Here's my readings for the month of July. I did really well for the first few weeks, but got bogged down with other things towards the end so I didn't get as much read as I would have liked. However, I did read 2154 pages total!
Without further ado:
The Girl Who Chased the Moon (269) by Sarah Addison Allen
The Sugar Queen (275) by Sarah Addison Allen
Faith: A Novel (318) by Jennifer Haigh
Black Heels to Tractor Wheels (319) by Ree Drummond (The Pioneer Woman)
The Lost Quilter (337) by Jennifer Chiaverini
32 Candles: A Novel (335) by Ernessa T. Carter
The Day the Falls Stood Still (301) by Cathy Marie Buchanan
Only one (The Lost Quilter) was a re-read this month. I will say that I cannot pick a favorite this month! I loved both of the Sarah Addison Allen books and haven't found one written by her I haven't liked yet. She writes stories of Southern towns that are full of whimsy and mystery. I also finally got around to reading the Pioneer Woman's true story of romance, which was also so endearing. Happy reading!
Also this was a special post for me. If you can figure out why I might just put something in the mail for you!
Food. Food, Food, Food, Food, Food
23 hours ago