Hey y'all I've been in Augusta for a week. Friday and Saturday I spent in Savannah with my 'rents. It was amazing-we went on a historic trolley tour and saw many awesome sites (I'll try to post some pictures). The hotel we stayed at a hotel near the riverwalk and walked down there for supper, praline candy samples, and some drinks (which you can get in a plastic cup and walk around downtown with)! Saturday we did some house tours of the two houses Juliet Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouts, which were beautiful and kept us out of the rain. We also went into the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, another great site that compares to many of the large Catholic churches I saw in Ireland 9 years ago. It was so peaceful and calm in there and the artwork was spectacular. Saturday night we headed to Columbia, SC and my parents flew out of there Sunday morning.
Clinic Day 1: I reported for clinic and was hustled into the HR department. HR didn't know that I was starting Monday and had lost some of my paperwork. Next, I had to be fingerprinted, not a big deal. I then needed to get a name badge which serves a couple of purposes: nametag and its swiped to get into the parking lot. Something got messed up here and I was then told to go to new employee orientation. Here I heard about benefits that I'm not receiving and had to fill out tax forms for wages I'm not going to get.
Clinic Day 2: Went back for more orientation, a half hour into it, I was called out to the hallway and told I didn't have to be there and to report to my superviosr. I tried to call my supervisor for 2 hours with no luck as she was in an all-staff meeting. I was starting to feel a stress migrane come on and so I called my supervisor again to tell her I was going home because I didn't feel good.
Clinic Day 3: (Better Day) Reported to my supervisor this morning and met some of the staff at the uptown division (so far I'd only been at the downtown division). I got my schedule figured out which is good. I have to do 40 hours a week (this VA's requirement), but I got to choose if I wanted to complete those hours in 4 or 5 days. Of course I chose 4 days, so I'll be in clinic Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:30 am til 6 pm with a hour to hour and a half lunch. I'll have Wednesdays off to just chill and catch up on homework. As for audiology stuff I just watched a bunch of audios, took a few case histories, and watched some hearing aid fittings. I don't have a coding/billing number yet, so I couldn't do anything too involved.
Tomorrow I'm helping another student trainee with new hearing aid user group. We'll fit a bunch of BTEs and do real ear with the Verifit system (for you auddies out there), then we'll do some orientation to the different features. It should be a good time. Speaking of other students there be a few down here with me. One started a couple of weeks ago and he's same semester as me; another starts in two weeks and she just finished her first year; two fourth years start sometime in July.
A Rather Unusual Post, I Think
14 hours ago
glad your 3rd day finally went better! we had fun watching the game. told them i'm not inviting them anymore since my team loses everytime they come to watch with me. friday we are going to the mallards game, so i'm taping the game and watching it until late. miss you and can't wait to hear more!