I haven't written for awhile so I'll try to bring you up to speed.
Aug 8-12ish:
Roadtrip with Bethany. The roadtrip was great and some of my highlights were Savannah, fried pickles in Nashville, and the Twins winning the game we attended.
Saw my family for the first time in months which was amazing! Also met my fur-nephew (aka my brother's dog) Dierks who is horribly cute:)
Aug 15:
Moved back to Madison and into my new apartment. It's really small, but it's all mine and I really like it. It's a mess still as I'm trying to figure out how to best make use of the space and decorate it. My pictures are strewn all around the floor.
Since then I've been enjoying being back in Madison and minus an internet connection (thus the lack of blogging). I have another week before school starts and the craziness begins.
I'll try to blog more about the roadtrip and life as a Madisonian later.
A Rather Unusual Post, I Think
13 hours ago
I hope you're settling in well! I'll be eager to see your place when I next get to Madison!