I haven't posted about audiology lately or school in general, so I thought I'd let you in on my "professional" life. Let's break it up into a few categories: classes, clinic, capstone, extern year.
ClassesThis semester I'm taking Implantable devices, Pathologies II, and Counseling. I don't have a favorite, but counseling doesn't really seem to apply to what I've done thus far as I don't work with kids that have recently been diagnosed with hearing loss or that are going through the process of getting a cochlear implant which seems to be all the prof talks about. Implantables is great and I'm learning alot and then Pathologies is similar to all the other classes with Dr. F except a bit easier.
ClinicI'm at Sauk Prairie Hospital just north of Madison. I've seen patients aged 2 weeks to 90+ years. Almost all of it is hearing aids, and they're all Siemens brand which is not my fav.
CapstoneMy capstone is off to a good start. I'm working with high frequency tympanometry (a test of middle ear function) in kiddos. Haven't started testing anyone yet, but it'll be soon. Just practice with Claire tonight to get a feel for the systems we're using.
ExternI missed the application deadline for one of the places, but I didn't really want to be there anyway. This weekend (crossing my fingers) I'll be meeting with the director of audiology from the Wolfe Eye Clinic in Iowa. They haven't ever had an extern, but the director is a UW grad which hopefully will help!