Wow, just realized it's been over a week since I last posted! Here's a quick synopsis of my recently very busy life.
Tuesday, November 24: Clinic til 1pm and then a 5 hour drive home
Wednesday, November 25: SNOW in Iowa, doc appointment/shopping with Mom, then partying with my cousins and getting obsurdly drunk and puking til after 10 am the next day
Thursday, November 26: THANKSGIVING:) Besides spending a lot of time puking and in and out of a car, I had a great Thanksgiving. My family went to my aunt and uncle's new house with her side of the family. I got to see my Papa Don and Grandma Carolyn, whom I dearly love, but don't see often enough!
Friday, November 27: Went shopping with Mom and brother, but not at the butt-crack of dawn.
Saturday, November 28: Thanksgiving/Christmas with my mom's side of the family (aka the cousins I got drunk with a few days earlier), lots of sexual references about vibrators, viagra, etc, but still great
Sunday, November 29: Drove back to WI and spent hours catching up on homework
Monday, November 30: MY BIRTHDAY (we won't say how much) Many of my friends were busy, so I just went out with a few for dinner and then saw Julie & Julia at the cheap seats (IT WAS SO GOOD!). Later went out for a few drinks and great conversation.
Tuesday, December 1: Clinic, then Little Women and Port Wine night. 'Nough said
Today I give not 1, but 2 presentations for class and am still finishing one of them. Needless to say the rest of the week won't be any better. I have to finishing prepping for Family Fusion (dress rehearsal tomorrow night; performance Friday)... I guess I'll sleep when the semester's done in about 10 days!
A Rather Unusual Post, I Think
13 hours ago
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