Okay, so who thought this was a good idea? Oh, yeah me. This week I am struggling to think of a topic.
3 hours later...
Okay mabye like 3 mintues later. I love books. I grew up with CRAZY allergies and had a hard time playing outside without looking like a blowfish. This led to the amazing discovering of reading and books. I love them, or at least most of them. Throughout the years I've learned that I especially like books in a series. I think it's because the story continues and you see what happens next.
Some of my fav serieses in no particular order:
The Little House books
Harry Potter
The Babysitter's Club
The Boxcar Children
Wicked Trilogy
Sweet Valley High (BSC was way better though!)
What are your fav serieses?
A Rather Unusual Post, I Think
14 hours ago
Anne of Green Gables tops my list, as well as the Glenbrook series. I'm also a fan of the AAA travel book series. ;)