Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quick Update

Holy crap, I didn't realize it's been SO long since I last blogged! Life's been busy but pretty good; here's a quick overview of how things are in Mtown.

Externship/Internship/whateveryouwannacallit: Going well, some things are better than others. I heart my co-workers and am learning lots. Went to Minneapolis for a training and had some fun and lots of free drinks and food.

Online class: I loathe this class, not because it's hard but it's getting in the way of having a social life.

Apartment: Really shaping up. I got a book shelf and a pantry (ha I typed panty first!) type cabinet. I had to build them and luckily they're still standing.

Allie: Doing super! Love the dog park and puddle-swimming. Not a good camping dog. Also found out she has skin allergies, but right now Bena.dryll and some special food are helping.

Church: Still haven't found one here and trying to stay positive and not compare them to my church in Madison.